Cookie Policy

Welcome to our Cookie Policy, where we elucidate the utilization of cookies and comparable technologies on our website. By navigating our website, you express your agreement to the deployment of cookies on your device, as elucidated in this policy.

Understanding Cookies: Cookies, concise text files preserved on your computer or mobile device during website visits, play a pivotal role. They empower the website to retain your actions and preferences (e.g., login, language, font size) over time, negating the need for repetitive input upon subsequent visits or page transitions.

Our Use of Cookies: We leverage cookies for the following objectives:

  1. Essential Cookies: Integral for proper website functioning, these facilitate core functionalities like security, network management, and accessibility. They remain irremovable from our systems.

  2. Performance and Analytics Cookies: These cookies gather data on user website interaction—such as frequently visited pages and error messages—to enhance website performance and user experience. All data collected is amalgamated and, hence, anonymous.

  3. Functionality Cookies: Elevating our website’s functionality, these cookies recall your preferences and choices (e.g., username, language, region) and provide enhanced features.

  4. Advertising Cookies: Tailored to deliver pertinent advertisements, these cookies may be utilized by advertising networks to present ads aligned with your interests.

Managing Cookies: Your prerogative extends to deciding whether to accept cookies and configuring your preferences. Most web browsers offer cookie management through their settings; however, disabling cookies may impede certain features on our website.

Updates to this Cookie Policy: Periodic updates to this Cookie Policy may occur to align with technological advancements, legislative modifications, or refinements in our website practices. We encourage regular reviews for awareness of any updates.

Contact Us: For queries or concerns regarding our cookie usage, feel free to reach out to us through:

  • Submitting a request via our contact form
  • Initiating a request through live chat
  • Contacting us by phone at +359 877 920 096
  • Emailing us at

Thank you for taking the time to understand our Cookie Policy.